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Dossier: 882835
Art: Heraldische Vorschau


Adelsstand: Nobles - Knights - Counts
Adel in:
Italy (Lombardy - Piedmont - Emilia-Romagna)
Sprache des Textes: English

Heraldische Vorschau


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Ancient and noble family from Lombardy, with branches in Brescia, Cremona, Como and Bergamo, known as Olmi or Dall'Olmo, of clear and ancestral virtue, that has worldwide spread, over the centuries. The family erected and ruled, in the municipality of Bruntino, the oratory of San Carlo. In Bergamo, a branch of the family was related to the nobles Mascheroni, giving rise to the Mascheroni Olmo family. Moreover, this family, in all ages, always stood out, thanks to the prominent figures, which gave birth, in the public service, in the liberal and ecclesiastical professions and in the military service. Among these, without undervalue the omitted, we would like to mention: Luigi, doctor in both laws, flourishing in Cremona, in 1527; Tommaso, landowner in Lombardy, flourishing in 1562; Fr Luigi, of the Order of Preachers, flourishing in Como, in 1583; Niccolò, knight, flourishing in Cremona, in 1620. Other family. Ancient and noble

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1. Wappen der Familie:
Dall'Olmo or Olmi


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Blasonierung die Familie
Dall'Olmo or Olmi

Azure, an elm or.

Blazon of family dall'Olmo or Olmi from Lombardy. Source: "Dizionario storico blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane estinte e fiorenti" vol.II, compiled by "Comm. G.B. di Crollalanza", edited by "la direzione del giornale araldico", Pisa 1888.


2. Wappen der Familie:
Mascheroni Olmo


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Blasonierung die Familie
Mascheroni Olmo

Party per fesse, 1° argent, a round castle gules, masoned sable, embattled ghibelline, surmounted on the sinister by a flag; 2° bendy argent and gules.

Blazon of family Mascheroni Olmo from Lombardy. Source: "Dizionario storico blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane estinte e fiorenti" vol.II, compiled by "Comm. G.B. di Crollalanza", edited by "la direzione del giornale araldico", Pisa 1888.


3. Wappen der Familie:


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Party per fesse; 1° or, an eagle crowned sable; 2° argent, an elm vert; over all a fesse lozengy gules and argent.

Blazon o family dall'Olmo or Olmo from Piedmont counts of Prunetto and Scaletta Altessino. Source: "Il Patriziato Subalpino" By Antonio Manno, Florence, 1895-1906.


4. Wappen der Familie:
Olmi, Dall'Olmo


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Blasonierung die Familie
Olmi, Dall'Olmo

Parti de sable et de gueles, à un orme arraché au naturel brochant sur le tout, au chef d'azur chargé de trois fleurs-de-lys rangées entre les quatre pendants d'un lambel de gueules.

Source: "Dizionario storico blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane estinte e fiorenti" compilé par G.B. de Crollalanza, publié par la rédaction du journal héraldique, Pise 1888.


5. Wappen der Familie:
De Olmo


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Blasonierung die Familie
De Olmo

Or, an elm vert, from one branch hangs a helmet azure, and from this, with two straps of the same, a banner gules charged with nine torteau argent.

Blazon of family dall'Olmo, d'Olmos or de Olmo originally from Castile. Source: "Il Patriziato Subalpino" By Antonio Manno, Florence, 1895-1906.


6. Wappen der Familie:
Borea Olmo


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Borea Olmo

Troncato; nel primo d'azzurro, a un capo umano, soffiante verso una nuvola al naturale, posta nel canton destro, il tutto sormontato da 3 stelle d'oro di 6 raggi ordinate in fascia; nel secondo partito di verde e di argento.

Blasone della famiglia Borea Olmo o Borea d'Olmo nobile in Sanremo, Albenga, Roma. Fonte: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. SPRETI" Vol. II pag. 128.


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Rechtliche Hinweise

  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
  2. Variationen von Nachnamen sind häufig und resultieren hauptsächlich aus unfreiwilligen Handlungen wie Übersetzungsfehlern oder dialektalen Beugungen oder aus freiwilligen Handlungen wie Versuchen, der Verfolgung oder dem Erwerb von Titeln und Eigentum anderer Familien zu entgehen
  3. Der gesamte Inhalt dieser Seite wird unter Lizenz vertrieben Creative Commons Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported .