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Dossier: 600117
Tipo: Vista previa heráldica y genealógica


Nobleza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobles en:
England (Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland)
Idioma del texto: English

Vista previa heráldica y genealógica



The name 'Bell' originates from England . It has been derived from the word belle bell, in various applications; probably a metonymic occupational name for a bellringer or bellfounder, or a habitation name for someone living 'at a bell' (as attested by 14th century forms such as 'John atte Belle'). This indicates either residence by an actuall Bell (e.g. town's bell in a belltower, centrally placed to summon meetings, sound the alarm, etc.) or 'at the sign of the bell', i.e. a house or inn sign. However surnames derived from house and inn signs are rare in English. Compiled information from Historical and Private archive's has confirmed that the surname 'Bell' and or it's variant's, dates as far back as the 13th century were a 'Ralph le Bele', from the Cambridgeshire, England, is recorded on the Hundred Rolls in 1273. The exact period of settlement in North America has not been definately determined but Information extracted from Public and Civil registry archive's confirm that one of the first settlers was a certain 'George Adam Bell', who emigrated to America from Morpeth, Northumberland, England, in 1850. He married 'Isabella Blakely' and died in 1896 after fathering three sons.This surname has been and still is borne by families of distinction upon both sides of the Anglo-Scottish border. Today, 'Bell' is the '54th' most common surname in North America.

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Blasòn de la familia

Coat of Arms of Bell from United Kingdom


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Blasòn de la familia

Coat of Arms of Bell from U.S.A.


3. Escudo de la familia:


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Blasòn de la familia

Sable, a fesse erminois, in chief an escallop between two bells, and in base a bell between as many escallops, all argent. Crest-On a wreath of the colours, betw. two escallops sable, a falcon close proper, belled and jessed or, holding in the beak a wing erect, also or. Motto-"Bell assez rel."

Blazon Bell from England


4. Escudo de la familia:


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Blasòn de la familia

Coat of arms of family Bell from England


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  2. Las variaciones de apellidos son frecuentes y se derivan principalmente de actos involuntarios como errores de traducción o inflexiones dialectales o de actos voluntarios como intentos de escapar de la persecución o adquisición de títulos y propiedades de otras familias.
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