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Dossier: 600505
Tipo: Pré-visualização heráldica e genealógica


Nobreza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobres na:
England (The British Isles)
Língua do texto: English

Pré-visualização heráldica e genealógica



The surname Fullerton is of Scottish and Northern Irish origin. The name signifies 'village of the bird catchers'. It was a habitational name from a place so named derived from the Old English 'fuglere', bird catcher and 'tun', settlement, enclosure. Bird catching was a common medieval occupation. The original name was Foulertoune, 'hamlet of the fowler'. The Fullertons are a sept of the clan Stewart of Bute. The first of the family in Ireland was Fergus Fullerton who came from Scotland in the reign of James I. The first of the name on record is Alanus de Fowlertoun who founded a convent at Irvine in Ayrshire in the mid-twelfth century, a Scottish family trace their descent to this individual. There is a less secure claim to descent from Galfredus Fullerton, who was granted lands in Angus in the fourteenth century by Robert Ist and appointed by him to the position of hereditary royal fowler.One of the first fore fathers to bring this name to America is that of a Humphrey Fullerton, formerly of County Antrim in Ireland. This individual fought at the battle of Boyne in 1690, he then left Ireland for America in 1721; he settled in Donegal Township, Pennsylvania in 1735. This surname is the two hundredth and sixth most common surname in America.

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1. Brasão da família:


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Brasão da família

Coat of Arms of Fullerton from U.S.A.


Pesquisa Sobrenome

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent
(As palavras voam, os escritos ficam)

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Um documento heráldico é um uma Pesquisa Heráldica Profissional sobre o sobrenome consiste em pesquisar todos os fatos, os lugares, as posses, as pessoas, os negócios e os profissões, atribuições, títulos de nobreza, brasões, escrituras, origem etc. de um certo sobrenome.
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Até o seu sobrenome pode passar a História

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