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Dossier: 746697
Tipo: Pré-visualização heráldica e genealógica


Nobreza: Nobles
Nobres na:
Deutschland - Schweiz
Variações Sobrenome:
Língua do texto: English

Pré-visualização heráldica e genealógica


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Ancient and noble family from Zurich, nowadays the largest city in Switzerland and the capital of the omonymous canton, of clear and ancestral virtue, that has worldwide spread, over the centuries. The first character of whom we have heraldic memory is a Sebastian Nabholz, pastor of Knonau, who became a citizen of Zurich in 1574. Ludwig Nabholz von Ravensburg later flourished; in the year 1613, he became a member of the Kämbel. It is one of the fourteen historic "Zünfte" (guilds) of Zurich. The origins of the Kämbel guild date back to 1336 when, together with the other medieval Zurich guilds and the knights' association, it was founded on the occasion of the establishment of the Brun guild. Many prominent figures were born in this family. We remember: Ulrich Nabholz, councillor in 1692 and then governor of Baden; Salomon Nabholz, son of the aforementioned, who became governor of Knonau in

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1. Brasão da família:


Baixe brasão

Compre um Documento Heráldico com o seu Brasão

Brasão da família

Party per fesse; 1st party per pale; a. or, a demi-eagle sable issant from the sinister; b. sable, a demi fleur-de-lys or issant from the dexter; 2nd or; a chevron sable on a chevron inverted of the same. Crest: the demi-eagle and the demi_fleur-de-lys.

Nabholz from Zurich. Sources: Neues historisches Wappenbuch der Stadt Zürich von Jean Egli (1828-1870), 1860; Siebmacher's großes und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Bd. 5 (Bürgerliche Geschlechter Deutschlands und der Schweiz), 4. Abt.: Zweitausend bürgerliche Wappen, Nürnberg 1890, 28.


2. Brasão da família:


Baixe brasão

Compre um Documento Heráldico com o seu Brasão

Brasão da família

Gules, on a bend argent three leopard heads gules, between two stars or. Crest: to wings conjoined gules charged with the the bend of the shield, on the sinister wing the bend is sinister.

Coat of arms of family Nabholz in Graz. Source: Siebmacher's großes und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Bd. 5 (Bürgerliche Geschlechter Deutschlands und der Schweiz), 10. Abt.: Vierzehnhundert und Siebenzig bürgerliche Wappen, Nürnberg 1916, 28.


Pesquisa Sobrenome

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent
(As palavras voam, os escritos ficam)

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