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Dossier: 21031
Tipo: Pré-visualização heráldica e genealógica


Nobreza: Cavalieri
Nobres na:
Italia - Germania (Trentino - Baden-Württemberg - Baviera)
Língua do texto: English

Pré-visualização heráldica e genealógica


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A very ancient and illustrious family, originally from Stuttgart, it appears in Trento around the 16th century, and this family includes characters of high virtues, among whom we note a Josef, a talented man of arms, at the service of the bishop Cristoforo Madruzzo in the 16th century. The antiquity of the present family accompanied with the scarcity of the scriptures does not allow us to discern the principle of its nobility; and therefore the writers and researchers rightly confess with all their investigation that they cannot ascertain its origin; but not seeing us adduce any reason to make us believe this opinion, which also holds doubtful, we will still be able to utter our opinion, not opinion, but evident certainty, while it is supported by some evident reasons that they cannot lie. Therefore, many people of this surname are found in the territory of Trento and Bolzano, they are

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1. Brasão da família:


Baixe brasão

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Brasão da família

Wappen: quadriert, 1 u. 4 ein Häuschen, 2 u. 3. eine Gemse auf einem Berg stehend. Helm: die Gemse auf dem Berg (Dr. Kn.)

Oberhäuser, Simon Oberhäuser, Bayerischer Rat und Pfleger zu Marquartstein siegelt 1754 mit folgenden. Quelle:Siebmacher's großes und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Bd. 5 (Bürgerliche Geschlechter Deutschlands und der Schweiz), 10. Abt.: Vierzehnhundert und Siebenzig bürgerliche Wappen, Nürnberg 1916, 11.


Pesquisa Sobrenome

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent
(As palavras voam, os escritos ficam)

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