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  4. Rastros Heráldicos Blackman

Apellido: Blackman

Dossier: 600214
Tipo:Dossier Heráldicos
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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.
Idioma del texto: English
Nobleza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobles en:England (England)
El país o región del expediente se refiere principalmente a los lugares donde la familia fue adscrita a la nobleza y pueden ser diferentes a los de residencia.

Dossier Heráldicos :

Corona de la nobleza BlackmanThe surname 'Blackman' originates from England and Scotland. it is a variant of the name 'Black' derived from a nickname given from the earliest times to a swarthy dark haird man. The nickname may have been given for other reasons too: Tengvik records the case (1080) of a certain Wlfricus Niger (Wulfric the Black), who received the nickname after blackening his face with charcoal to go undetected at night among his enemies. Blake and Black are found in many surnames and placement elements. It is also a translation of various names from the Gaelic word 'dubh' meaning Black. Compiled information from Historical and Private archive's has confirmed that the surname 'Blackman' and or it's variant's, dates as far back as the 13th century were a 'Henry Blacman', from the county of Oxfordshire, England, is recorded on the Hundred Rolls in 1273. Historical archive's have been unable to definitely determine the exact period of settlement in North America but It is believed that the forefather's of this surname were part of the exodus of migrants that followed the Treaty of Peace signed in Paris in 1763, when great Britain obtained ownership of the whole of North America east of the Missisipi River excepting New Orleans. The chief reasons causing working class people to emigrate were, poor crop yields, high unemployment, and the misconception that America was a land of golden opportunity. It is has been estimated that after 1769 some 20,000 persons a year migrated to the Americas from the British Isles. 'Blackman' is the 'Seven hundred and fortieth' most common surname in North America. ...

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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.

Blasón Blackman

Escudo de la familia Blackman

1. Escudo de la familia: Blackman
Idioma del texto: English

Erminies,on a cross between four lions rampant or,eight cresents azure. Mantling- sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of colours, a demi-griffin argent, collared gules, holding between the claws a cross urdée or charged with eight cresents azure. Motto- "Fide et fiducia."

Blazon Blackman from England

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Escudo de la familia Blackman

2. Escudo de la familia: Blackman
Idioma del texto: English

Coat of arms of family Blackman from England

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  1. Las Rastros Heráldicos es un dossier hecho por una I.A. útil como punto de partida para investigadores y heráldicos apasionados y confirma que hay información para trabajar y es posible ordenar un documento heráldico.
  2. Las variaciones de apellidos son frecuentes y se derivan principalmente de actos involuntarios como errores de traducción o inflexiones dialectales o de actos voluntarios como intentos de escapar de la persecución o adquisición de títulos y propiedades de otras familias.
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