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  4. Rastros Heráldicos Manodori

Apellido: Manodori

Dossier: 2272
Tipo:Dossier Heráldicos
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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.
Idioma del texto: Italiano
Nobleza: Patrizi
Nobles en:Italia
El país o región del expediente se refiere principalmente a los lugares donde la familia fue adscrita a la nobleza y pueden ser diferentes a los de residencia.

Dossier Heráldicos :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Corona de la nobleza ManodoriThe family is oriunda di Valestra, villa of the municipality of Carpineti in the Reggio mountains, where there is a high, steep and wooded mountain, which is believed to be the "mons Balista", named by Tito Livio, on which important events took place of arms in the wars of the Romans against the Ligurians. And near it, or on the slopes of "Mons Letus", the consul Quinto Petilio died. On the origin of the fortune of this family and on its name runs a legend, also currently widespread by tradition in those mountains. It is said that it had another name, and that an ancestor was lucky enough to find a treasure on Mount Valestra. Who said "a golden hand"; and that, held by him in possession of a conspicuous treasure that formed the basis of the family's patrimony, who then bought land and houses up there. Hence the nickname given to the family "Della mano d'oro" or "Mano d'oro", and hence "Manodori" This legend, although it has no confirmation in any truly reliable data, however calls attention to the strange coincidence of having been found in those places, sometimes objects or traces of tombs, etc., from the era of the Ligurians and Romans, although in questions, which were repeatedly battlefields and encampments and fortifications of the two armies and the two warring peoples, no systematic excavations have ever been carried out with a guide and archaeological method. Brizio seemed to have thought of it; but then nothing was done. The 3 brothers Ottavio, Don Giacomo, priest and Giuseppe Manodori da Valestra, were granted nobility, with the title of Patrizio di Reggio, with a Diploma 11 March 1705, indiz. XIII by the elderly senators of the city of Reggio; and the oath of allegiance was sworn by the three brothers on April 4 the same year. A dr. Giuseppe, living in 1784, was a talented physician and scholar, and preserved unpublished writings and dissertations of his father-in-law Pier Giuseppe Corradini of Casalgrande, who was also a talented physician. From his wife Corradini he had nine children, including only two boys: ...

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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.

Blasón Manodori

Escudo de la familia Manodori

1. Escudo de la familia: Manodori
Idioma del texto: Italiano

Troncato: nel pirmo d'oro all'aquila di nero; nel secondo d'azzurro a una mano, che versa monete, il tutto d'oro.

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  1. Las Rastros Heráldicos es un dossier hecho por una I.A. útil como punto de partida para investigadores y heráldicos apasionados y confirma que hay información para trabajar y es posible ordenar un documento heráldico.
  2. Las variaciones de apellidos son frecuentes y se derivan principalmente de actos involuntarios como errores de traducción o inflexiones dialectales o de actos voluntarios como intentos de escapar de la persecución o adquisición de títulos y propiedades de otras familias.
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