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  4. Rastros Heráldicos McDonald

Apellido: McDonald

Dossier: 600456
Tipo:Dossier Heráldicos
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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.
Idioma del texto: English
Nobleza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobles en:England (The British Isles)
El país o región del expediente se refiere principalmente a los lugares donde la familia fue adscrita a la nobleza y pueden ser diferentes a los de residencia.

Dossier Heráldicos :

Corona de la nobleza McDonaldThe surname McDonald is of Irish and Scottish origin.The surname signifies the 'son of Donald'.The name Donald comes from the Gaelic Domnall and meant originally 'world mighty' or 'world wielder'.The Scottish MacDonalds claim descent from the semi-legendary Irish king,Conn of the Hundred Battles.Coming to historic times,the chiefs of Clan Donald descend from the twelfth-century Somerled,Lord of Argyll,who through his marriage to a daughter of Olave the Red of Norway,and through his own conquests,gained control of the western islands and took the titlle of Regalus of the Isles.The Clan Donald,through conquests,marriages and the absorption of many small families,became the most powerful clan in Scotland and at their height controlled the entire western seaboard and the Isle of Man.The decline of the MacDonalds was in effect the decline of the Gaelic way of life in the Highlands,With the Battle of Culloden in 1746 the clan system was finished and,as a power,so were the MacDonalds.The period that followed,culminating in the Highland Clearances of the nineteenth century,forced many to emigrate to America.The given name is first on record in its Welsh form,Dumnagual,in Roman documents of two thousand years ago.The name was brought to America by Scottish and Irish immigrants.One of the first forefathers to bring this name to America is that of a Duncan Donald,a carpenter,who came to America aboard the Speedwell;he settled in Maryland.This name is the ninety-seventh most common surname in America. ...

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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.

Blasón McDonald

Escudo de la familia McDonald

1. Escudo de la familia: McDonald
Idioma del texto: English

Or, an eagle displayed gules, surmounted of a galley sable,sailes furled proper, on a chief azure a dexter hand appaumée between two cross crosslets fitchée of the first. Motto-"Nec tempore nec fato."

Blazon McDonald from England

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  1. Las Rastros Heráldicos es un dossier hecho por una I.A. útil como punto de partida para investigadores y heráldicos apasionados y confirma que hay información para trabajar y es posible ordenar un documento heráldico.
  2. Las variaciones de apellidos son frecuentes y se derivan principalmente de actos involuntarios como errores de traducción o inflexiones dialectales o de actos voluntarios como intentos de escapar de la persecución o adquisición de títulos y propiedades de otras familias.
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