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Sobrenome: Fraser

Dossier: 600881
Tipo:Dossiês heráldicos
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Língua do texto: English
Nobreza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobres na:England (Scotland)
O país ou região do dossiê refere-se principalmente aos locais onde a família foi atribuída à nobreza e podem ser diferentes daqueles de residência.

Dossiês heráldicos :

Coroa de nobreza FraserThe surname Fraser is of Scottish origin. The name was originally de Frisselle, de Freseliere, or de Fresel, and Frisale or Frisell is still the common pronunciation in Tweeddale - the first Scots home of the family - and in Lothian. These appear to be Norman, but there is no place in France with a name answering to them. It is possible, therefore, that they represent some Gaelic name corrupted beyond recognition by an Anglo-Norman scribe. The name then became Fraissier or strawberry bearer, probably from adoption of the flower of the 'fraisse', strawberry, as part of the armorial bearings- a plant abundant in the woods of Scotland, still retaining the original name or pronunciation. A famous Scot bore this name, Sir Simon Fraser, called 'The Sottish Patriot', who was a supporter of Sir William Wallace in the struggle for independence. At Roslin in 1302 he defeated three divisions of the English army in one day. Most if not all bearers of this common Scottish surnmame are ultimately connected with the Scottish family who hold the title Baron Lovat. Their origins are uncertain, the relevant records having been destroyed or lost in various stormy episodes in medieval Scottish history. The Gaelic form is 'Friseal', sometimes anglicized to Frizzell. The surname Fraser is also borne by Jews, in which case it represents an anglicization of like sounding Hebrew names. The name dates back to the eleventh century were a Symon ffraser is recorded in historical archives. The name was brought to America predominately by Scottish immigrants. One of the first fore fathers to bring this name to America is that of a Francis Frazier, who emigrated to America aboard the Nancy; he settled in Maryland. This name is the two-hundredth and eighty-ninth most common surname in America. ...

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Brasão Fraser

Brasão da família Fraser

1. Brasão da família: Fraser
Língua do texto: English

Coat of Arms of Fraser from U.S.A.

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  1. Os Traços Heráldicos é um dossiê feito por um A.I. útil como ponto de partida para pesquisadores e heráldicos apaixonados e confirma que há informação para trabalhar e é possível encomendar um documento heráldico.
  2. As variações de sobrenomes são frequentes e derivam principalmente de atos involuntários, como erros de tradução ou inflexões dialetais, ou de atos voluntários, como tentativas de escapar da perseguição ou aquisição de títulos e propriedades de outras famílias
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