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  4. Traços Heráldicos Grant

Sobrenome: Grant

Dossier: 600494
Tipo:Dossiês heráldicos
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Língua do texto: English
Nobreza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobres na:England (The British Isles)
O país ou região do dossiê refere-se principalmente aos locais onde a família foi atribuída à nobreza e podem ser diferentes daqueles de residência.

Dossiês heráldicos :

Coroa de nobreza GrantThe surname Grant is of English and Scottish origin; though especially Scottish. It was a Norman nickname derived from the Anglo-Norman-French 'graund', 'graunt', meaning tall, large ( the Old French 'grand', 'grant', from the Latin 'grandis' ). It was a sobriquet for one of big and broad proportions, a giant in size. It was also given as a relative way to distinguish two bearers of the same given name, often representatives of different generations within the same family. This surname has ramified very strongly in Scotland. It may also be derived from a medieval given name, most likely a survival into Middle English of the Old English byname Granta. The Scottish Clan Grant is one of the main branches of the Siol Alpine of which Clan Gregor is chief. The Scottish Grants claim that the name is derived from a moor called Sliabh-Griantais, 'plain of the sun'. The first record of this name is in Scotland and is that of a, Sir Lawrence Grant, sheriff of Inverness in 1263. This name was borne by the famous Civil War general and eighteenth president of America, Ulysses S. Grant ( 1822-85 ); he was of Scottish stock. One of the first fore fathers to bring this name to America is that of a Mathew Grant, who left Plymouth on the 20th of March 1630, in the Mary and John, and reached Boston Harbour on the 30th of May,1630. This name is the one hundredth and eighty-ninth most common surname in America. ...

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Brasão Grant

Brasão da família Grant

1. Brasão da família: Grant
Língua do texto: English

Coat of Arms of Grant from U.S.A.

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Brasão da família Grant

2. Brasão da família: Grant
Língua do texto: English

Gules, three antique crowns or, within a bordure erminois, on a canton gold, a demi-lion rampant issuing from a barrulet of the first in base. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest- on awreath od his liveries, an open book proper, leaved or. Motto-"Suum cuique."

Blazon Grant from England

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  1. Os Traços Heráldicos é um dossiê feito por um A.I. útil como ponto de partida para pesquisadores e heráldicos apaixonados e confirma que há informação para trabalhar e é possível encomendar um documento heráldico.
  2. As variações de sobrenomes são frequentes e derivam principalmente de atos involuntários, como erros de tradução ou inflexões dialetais, ou de atos voluntários, como tentativas de escapar da perseguição ou aquisição de títulos e propriedades de outras famílias
  3. Todo o conteúdo desta página é distribuído sob licença Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported .