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ref: 45985

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Argent two wolves counterpassant, on a chief engrailed gules, three fleurs-de-lys of the first. Mantling sable, doubled argent. Crest-On a wreath of his liveries, an eagle's head couped between two thistles slipped proper. Motto-"Aspera me juvant."

ref: 45986

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Or, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased gules as many bezants.

ref: 45990

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Sable a cup argent with a garland of laurel between two branches of the same, all issuing thereout proper. Crest-Two laurel branches interfreted proper. Motto-Virtus semer viridis.

ref: 45991

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Sable three padlocks argent.

ref: 45993

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Argent on a fesse gules between three roses azure seeded and barbed or, two pheons of the first. Crest-A dove or, holding an olive branch proper.

ref: 45994

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Quarterly, 1st and 4th agent a chevron between three dragon's head erased gules; 2nd and 3rd, argent a fesse between three lozenges azure. Cerst-A buck's head erased proper.

ref: 45995

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Vert three lions rampant or.

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