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Dossier: 600442
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobili in:
England (England)
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica



The surname Bennet is of English origin.It is derived from the medieval given name Benedict which is from the Latin,Benedictus 'blessed'.This owed its popularity in the Middle Ages to St.Benedict (480-550),who founded the Benedictine order of monks at Monte Cassino and wrote a monastic rule that formed a model for all subsequent rules.The meaning of the Latin word also contributed greatly to the popularity of the given name, especially in romance countries.In twelfth century England the Latin form of the name was found alongside forms of the name derived from the Old French,Beneit and Benoit,which was common amongst the Normans.The surname may also be derived from the Old English 'beonet', bent grass; the name thus signifieing a dweller at a bent, or moor overgrown with bennet or bent-grass. While Furness Abbey in England was administered by the Benedictine Order, Bennet was one of the commonest baptismal names in the surrounding districts.Indeed, it will be found that Bennet and Benson are still common surnames in areas that the Benedictines have had foundations.The name in its English form dates back to the twelfth century,were a Beneit Kernet is recorded in historical archives;however in the Latin form it dates to early history. One of the first forefathers to bring this name to America is that of William Bennet,who came to America aboard the Britannia,he settled in St.Vicent.It is the sixty-third most common name in America.

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Blasone della famiglia

Coat of Arms of Bennet from Sweden


2. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Gules, a bezant between thrre demi-lions rampant argent. Mantling-gules and argent. Crest-t. out of a mural coronet or a lions head gules, charged of the colours, a double scaling-ladder or (for Grey). Supporters-On either side a lion argent, ducally crowned or, each charged on the shoulder with a toteau. Motto-"De bon vouloir server le roy."

Blazon Bennet from England


3. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Coat of arms of family Bennet from England


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