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Dossier: 787579
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Nobles - Knights
Nobili in:
Germany - Croatia
Variazioni Cognome:
Crot, Croth, Kroth
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica
(Crot, Croth, Kroth)


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Ancient and noble German family, of clear and ancestral virtue, originally known as (von) Kroth or Krot, that has worldwide spread over the centuries. The surname changed definitively into the form Krot when, at the end of the eighteenth century, a branch of this family moved to Zagreb (Croatia). It should be noted that the original form of a surname did not always remain intact over the centuries with its primitive spelling. Often due to incorrect transcriptions, dialectal transformations according to the regions where the lineage gradually moved, the incomprehensible handwriting of the scribes, etc., there were changes in phonetics and handwriting. One hypothesis has it that the surname of this family has toponymic origins; the municipality of Kruft, in Rhineland-Palatinate, was in fact once called Croth. Anyway, the first traces left by the family in Germany date back to the 13th century. In the year 1298, in fact, we

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(Crot, Croth, Kroth)

1. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Argent, on a mountain in base proper a fortuna figure of the same. Crest: A man holding in his dexter hand a flower.

Coat of arms whose description is handed down but whose original source is unfortunately unknown


2. Stemma della famiglia:
Kroth, Krot


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Blasone della famiglia
Kroth, Krot

A Latin P, ending in a cross at the bottom.

Hausmark of Barthel K. Source: Siebmacher's großes und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Bd. 5 (Bürgerliche Geschlechter Deutschlands und der Schweiz), 10. Abt.: Vierzehnhundert und Siebenzig bürgerliche Wappen, Nürnberg 1916, 19.


3. Stemma della famiglia:
Kroth, Krot


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Blasone della famiglia
Kroth, Krot

Two bendlets.

Hausmark of the son of Barthel K. Source: Siebmacher's großes und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Bd. 5 (Bürgerliche Geschlechter Deutschlands und der Schweiz), 10. Abt.: Vierzehnhundert und Siebenzig bürgerliche Wappen, Nürnberg 1916, 19.


Ricerca Cognome

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent
(Le parole volano, gli scritti rimangono)

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  1. Le Traccia araldica sono dei dossier fatti da un programma A.I. utili quale punto di partenza per ricercatori ed appassionati araldisti e confermano che ci sono delle informazioni su cui lavorare ed è possibile ordinare un documento araldico.
  2. Le variazioni dei cognomi sono frequenti e derivano prevalentmente da atti involontari quali errori di traduzioni o inflessioni dialettali oppure da atti volontari quali tentativi di sfuggire a persecuzioni o acquisizione di titoli e proprietà di altre famiglie
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